Grade Appeal Policy

  1. Purpose of Policy : The purpose of this policy is to provide students protection against receiving an unfair final grade, while at the same time respecting the academic responsibility of instructors. A grade appeal shall be confined to charges of unfair action toward an individual student and may not involve challenging an instructor’s judgment in assessing the quality of a student’s work.
  1. Grounds for Appeal :
    There was a mathematical error in the calculation of the final grade.
    The grade was determined in a manner that differed from the grade calculation formula in the course syllabus.
    The grade was determined in a manner sufficiently egregious to warrant review by others.
    The student must file a petition to appeal a grade within 14calendar days of the posting of final grades with the department chair or designee.
  1. Pre-Appeal Actions :
    The expectation is that the student and instructor re-solve the grade disagreement informally in a collegial manner. If the grade dispute cannot be resolved informally with the instructor, then the student may notify the department chair or designee that he/she want to file a formal Grade Appeal petition.
  1. Student Grade Appeal Process :
    Step 1 : The student file a formal written appeal with sup-porting documents to the department chair/designee within 30 calendar days of final grades posting by the Registrar Office.Within 14 calendar days of the receipt of the student’s appeal, the department chair or designee shall make a decision and then notify the student and the instructor in writing with a copy to the Registrar. The department chair/designee’s decision is final and the case is closed.