Participation in Online Discussion, Netiquette and Originality Policy

  1. Purpose of Policy :

Our University courses are not independent study courses. Thus substantive an active participation is an essential part of the learning process in promoting a meaningful and engaging learning experience. Therefore the University requires consistent, substantive, and timely participation in and contributions to online discussions as detailed and required in each of our faculty course syllabus. Furthermore our University requires that the purpose of and expectations of participants in online discussions be explicitly communicated to students and that these communicated expectations be fulfilled by both students and faculty.
2)organizational perspectives,
3)research methodology,
4)dissertation proposal, and
5)dissertation defense

Students receiving unsatisfactory “U” grade in DBAMGDIS are viewed as not making academic progress. A student receiving an unsatisfactory grade may be required by their dissertation chair to engage with specific university student support services.

Students with an approved Prospectus and who receive two unsatisfactory grades at any point will be viewed as not making satisfactory academic progress.

d. In either instance, the student will be reviewed by the department chair and dissertation chair and a recommendation made to the Chief Academic Officer for approval to continue in the program.