Incomplete Grades Policy

  1. Purpose of Policy :
    In case of extenuating circumstances the instructor may agree to give a student a final grade symbol of “I” for incomplete. Allowing a student an incomplete grade is left to the instructor’s discretion and students should not assume that they will be allowed to complete work after the term has ended.
  1. Guidelines
  1. This institution discourages grades of “I” Incomplete.

However, the Institution understands that there are certain extenuating circumstances under which a grade “I” Incomplete is appropriate.

  1. The “I” Incomplete grade is only granted at the discretion of the instructor.
  1. The student must petition the course instructor in writing for the Incomplete on the first day of the final week of the term.
  1. In allowing a grade of Incomplete, the instructor should observe the following guidelines.
  1. The instructor determines if the student may reasonably complete the work required Within the required the 14 calendar day incomplete grade completion time limit. Within the 14 day time limit, the instructor should specify the due date.
  1. The circumstances that have compelled the student to request the Incomplete are exceptional, such as illness, natural disaster or some other emergency, beyond the student’s control.
  1. The student requesting the Incomplete has successfully completed the majority (75% of the course work submitted) of the course work in the course.
  1. The student must submit the out- standing course work to the instructor within the 14 days of the End Date of term.
  1. The course instructor reviews and grades the submitted work and submits a new grade replacing the “I” grade.