Leave of Absence Policy

  1. Purpose of Policy Our University’s programs are designed to permit students to pursue their studies fulltime while managing the many responsibilities of family, job/career, etc…

However the University will consider a student’s request for a Leave of Absence (LoA) if the student is experiencing hardships that make effective academic progress unusually difficult due to extenuating circumstances.

  1. Guidelines and Processes
  1. The University defines a Leave of Absence (LoA) as a temporary break (30-120days) from academic registration with a clear intent to return to the program of study. A student may apply for a second LoA during his/her course of study.
  1. Students who wish to take a LoA should seek advice and counseling from a designated university official.

c. The student submits a written request notify the Office of Registrar that this student should be allowed to register for the said course.

  1. The student registers and pays the course fee.

In addition, consistent with the University’s Guideline on students’ Misuse of Their Own Scholarly Work in the Code on Conduct, assignments submitted for a repeated course are expected to reflect new approaches and insights into that topic and students may not merely copy and paste substantial sections from one assignment to be submitted again. Any use of prior work is at the discretion of the instructor and prior approval is required before submitting prior work.